Thursday, March 24, 2011

Coconut Island - Gulf Kiluan

Kiluan Bay presents a beautiful scenery and is perfect for people who like adventure. Location Kiluan Bay is located in pekon ( Village ) Kiluan State, Kelumbayan, Tanggamus , Lampung, Indonesia. With mileage from Bandar Lampung ± 80 km ( ± 3- 4 hours ).

The trip to the Gulf Kiluan is hardly easy, because the road is winding, steep, and bumpy a challenge that must be passed. The island is beautiful, white sand, with a tranquil atmosphere only sound waves, is well suited as a place to relieve tired because of busy everyday.

Simple lodging house shaped simple stage is available on this island, which is provided for guests who want to stay. Some ways to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds Kiluan Gulf Island by foot or by boat outrigger.

Not only enjoy the beauty of the Gulf Kiluan, another tour that can be enjoyed in this region is to enjoy the beauty of dancing dolphins.  To enjoy it, should outrigger boat ride to the center of the island Kiluan Ocean.  The trip by outrigger canoe to the sea is usually started at around 06.00.  When the weather is bright and calm waves of the sea, tourists can watch hundreds of dolphins swim in groups and jumped in the sea.  At least two species of dolphins in these waters, the first species is the bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops Truncatus ) with a larger body and shy.  The second species is the long half-life of dolphins ( Stenella longirostris ), a smaller stature and fun jumps.

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