Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bunaken National Marine Park

Bunaken is an 8 km ² island of Bunaken National Marine Park.  Bunaken is located at the northern tip of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. Bunaken is one of exotic Indonesia 's most famous diving and snorkeling areas that can attract visitors from around the world.

Bunaken National Park extends over an area of ​​890.65 km ² which is only 3% of the land, including Bunaken Island and Manado Tua island, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. Park is officially designated as a national marine park in 1991.

Bunaken National Marine Park waters reach the 1566 m deep in the Bay of Manado, with temperatures ranging between 27 to 29 ° C.    Having biodiversity of coral, fish, echinoderms or sponges.  In particular, 7 out of 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken.  It also claims to have seven times more genera of coral from Hawaii and has more than 70 % of known fish species in the Indo - West Pacific.

Crescent-shaped Bunaken, lie at the heart of the park. A snorkeler or diver diving around Lekuan or Fukui who is a place that has more than 33 species of butterfly fish and various types of groupers, damsels, gobies fish and rivets.  The gobies, smallish fish with bulging eyes and modified fins.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Teotihuacan Mexico

Visit Mexico will find a place that was exotic 160-250 AD.  Being in the south of Mexico City there is the archaeological zone, Teotihuacan Mexico.  Teotihuacan Pyramids are also popular with sun and moon, is the largest ancient city in meksico.

The city was built in the early Common Era by dividing the city into four parts, namely:  Axis Northern - South (Avenue of the Dead), Eastern (Pyramid del Sol), Northern (pyramidal de la luna), Front Pyramid (Square of  the Moon).  Being the sixth largest city in that era with a population of 200,000.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Galapagos Island Travel

Come to the exotic Galapagos Islands, Ecuador is in the territory west of the Galapagos is a national park.  Galapagos is a volcanic archipelago located in the equatorial Pacific ocean.

Galapagos Islands has 18 major islands, namely: Baltra Island, Bartolomew Island, Darwin Island, Espanola Island, Fermandina Island, Floreana Island, Genovesa Island, Isabela Island Marchena Island, North Seymour Island, Pinzon Island, Pinta Island, Rabida Island, San Cristobal  Island, Santa Cruz Island, Santa Fe Island, Santiago Island, Wolf Island, Daphne Major, South Plaza Island, Nameless Island.  In all of the Galapagos Islands have wonderful places for a tourist trip.  Galapagos Islands has an average temperature of 25 degrees C, cold temperatures for a place that is at the equator.

Hanauma Bay, Welcome to exotic travel

Come to Hawaii and Hanauma Bay you will find one of the tourist island is very exotic.  Hanauma Bay is a Marine Nature Reserve, in addition to coral reefs formed by the natural beauty here and also you will find the green turtle by the local people called Honu.

Hanauma situated within the southeastern coast of Oahu island formed from volcanic eruptions.  Hanauma bay is also used as a place of education for the conservation of coral reefs and fish that live in the area.